USDA Visits Partridge Creek Farm Sites
On May 29th Partridge Creek Farm staff was thrilled to welcome Sara Elliott, the Farm to School Regional Specialist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to Ishpeming. Sara Johnson, PCF Executive Director gave Sara Elliott an informative tour of all of PCF’s sites and programs. Learn more about the visit below.
Farm Tour
During the last week in May Sara Elliott, the Farm To School Regional Specialist, from the USDA visited Ishpeming to see what Partridge Creek Farm has been up to!
The PCF site visit was led by Sara Johnson, Partridge Creek Farm’s Executive Director. The first visit on the agenda was to tour the Partridge Creek Community Farm.
Pictured on the left Allison Stawara, PCF Farm Manager, shows Sara the produce cooler on the farm. This produce cooler is an essential part of the farm operations. It will keep approximately 9,000lbs of food fresh this season for the Ishpeming Community! The cooler will soon be getting a new mural from local artist Chloe Walimaa of Chloe Lea Creations!
Farm to School
After a very informative Intergenerational Farm tour Sara visited our Middle School Garden where the Ishpeming Middle School 5th graders were attending the Farm to School Program.
During this particular day in the garden students were identifying plants and then selecting a leaf from their favorite plant to then make an ink print of. This was a very exciting activity!
PCF Garden Site Tours
Next on the agenda was to tour our 5 community garden sites. This tour was led by PCF’s Community Food Access Manager, Danielle Sidor. Danielle oversees these sites and is in the process of planting produce at these sites.
Pictured on the left is Danielle showing Sara photos of last years garden sites during the peak of the growing season.
Partridge Creek Compost Site Tour
Last on the agenda was a tour of the Partridge Creek Compost Site. Partridge Creek Compost PCF’s sister non-profit is working hard to collect compost for the Ishpeming and surrounding communities.
PCF and Sara met the Partridge Creek Compost team at the site to show all of the hard work that happens at the site.